
My Lily is still painting the lotus flower, almost there.

Charcoal drawing techniques - Live portrait drawing preview

Visited Philadelphia Museum of Art today and did a bit sketching of the beautiful dancers. #philadelphiamuseumofart

Visited Philadelphia Museum of Art today and did a bit sketching of the beautiful dancers. #philadelphiamuseumofart

Charcoal drawing techniques - Drawing a Red Pepper

Watercolor painting lesson for beginners - Goldfish - preview

Watercolor Goldfish #goldfish #watercolorpainting #fish #yongchen

Charcoal drawing techniques - landscape drawing of a village - short

Watercolor of animal painting - how to make correction - preview

Charcoal drawing techniques - portrait drawing - preview

How to paint dog portrait in watercolor - Dog #1 preview

Animal drawing - Charcoal drawing a dog #1 preview

#watermelon is for #summer #yongchen #watercolor #watercolorpainting

Charcoal drawing of a dog #dog #dogdrawing #dogart #charcoal #charcoaldrawing #yongchen

How to shade: Drawing shoes with graphite pencils

Live figure painting in watercolor - Painting Shapes

Watercolor painting of mandarin orange