
Portrait live drawing of a student in 10 minutes

Watercolor of clouds in blue sky

Watercolor Live of a girl outdoor

Watercolor sketch of boats and reflections

Watercolor painting a bride

Watercolor of water drops

Watercolor portrait painting of a member's mom

Watercolor Portrait of a Little Girl

Watercolor painting the shadows of snow

Watercolor painting a girl in sunset light

Watercolor painting poppy flowers

Portrait drawing using pencils

Watercolor painting a ballerina

Watercolor Portrait of a Little Girl in Shadow

Watercolor painting of a water bird merganser

Watercolor painting the colors of snow shadows - a dog-walker girl

Watercolor painting a girl in sunset light

Classical drawing techniques for beginners

Painting with Purpose (Servant's Heart Ministry)

How to draw legs with folds

How to draw a cute child with proportions

Drawing techniques for beginners

Watercolor of a woman in red dress

10-minute Live Sketching #1